Classes for High School students

Sanctuary Arts Connects newest initiative is to offer half off any evening class for high school students aged 16-20 who are actively seeking to improve their portfolios for admission into art school or otherwise. The range of classes cover oil painting, figure sculpture and classical drawing with outstanding professional artists. Please apply using the link below. Full and half scholarships available

Sean Beavers has taught Representational Oil Painting at Sanctuary Arts since we opened in 1999 and is an excellent instructor for beginning painters, as well as more experienced ones.

Tom Glover is an great choice for working on drawing skills and fine-tuning your favorite medium, be it oil acrylic, watercolor, collage or pen and ink.

Anthony Alemany is a full time figure sculptor who is passionate about sculpting and teaching his techniques. His Clay Figure Sketching from Life class is the perfect way to learn how to create the figure in three dimensions.

Additional courses available to high school students this winter 2022 semester:

